How I Found Meaning In My Junk Drawer

I don’t consider myself a neat freak, but to an outsider I know that I may appear like one.  I am very sensitive to energy (it is my job after all), and I naturally look for ways to make every room feel more serene. At a busy restaurant, I will sometimes organize or move the condiments entirely off the table. When I check into a hotel room, the first thing that I do is put excess items (like the room service menu, marketing materials and pens) into a drawer and out of sight. OCD? Perhaps, but I find clean surfaces very relaxing. The irony is that this cleanliness has helped me hide a secret, but more on that shortly.

My husband David and I have different ways of organizing our home, but thankfully they are quite compatible. He is the type of person who will file away the manual for our dishwasher and save it for years. He knows exactly where our passports, birth certificates, and tax returns are stored. However, putting household items away and out of sight is not typically his strength. His office is usually covered with various projects that are in different stages of completion. Let me tell you, walking by that room without tidying it is a challenge for me!

I am the opposite in that my office is spotless, but I must confess; the truth is that I like to stuff things in drawers to “clean” the house as quickly as possible. Uncluttered surfaces make me feel relaxed and connected, but if you open my nightstand table you may be greeted with a festive assortment of items. Pens, old mail, magazines, receipts, vitamins, books, socks, batteries, photos, and who knows what else may be jammed in there!

Marie Kondo's orginazation book. Definitely worth a read!
Marie Kondo’s book is definitely worth a read!

David recently read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, the Japanese organization book by Marie Kondo that has become a worldwide bestseller. Marie utilizes Feng Shui principles in her work, and she basically asserts that messy rooms can block abundance in various other areas of your life. During our holiday break we decided to try out some of her tips. It was a productive way to prepare for the new year (and also a perfect way to procrastinate on writing my next book). One of her main tips is to fold your clothes so that they stand upright in your drawer (see picture below). This way, you can easily reach whichever shirt you want without having to fish through a whole stack. I have to say, I just love the way that it feels when I open a drawer. And she’s right; it is easier to see all of the options. At first this felt like a minor change in my life, but I quickly noticed that it brought up all sorts of feelings for me.

The other day I brought some clean laundry into the bedroom and dumped it on our bed so that I could fold it. I immediately felt annoyed at the thought of folding every shirt in this meticulous manner, just so that I could maintain the organization of my new drawer. It was interesting how irritated I started to feel. Here I was doing a mundane yet common task, and so much emotion was coming up.  In moments of frustration, I try to take a step back and see what lesson the Universe is trying to show me. I took a few deep breaths and moved into a conscious meditation.  I asked myself why I was feeling frustrated. My first thought was that I wanted to do what I always did, by folding my things as quickly (read: sloppily) as possible and put them in the drawers. I don’t typically separate my shirts from David’s. I usually just fold them, stuff everything in a drawer and move on with more “important” things.

I took another deep breath, and asked for more information. Another thought came floating to the surface of my consciousness, and it impatiently stated that I don’t have time for this.  Then a gentle voice whispered in my consciousness, but you’re on vacation. And this was true. I am on vacation. So why was I in such a rush?

I consciously made the decision to fold my clothes as instructed and slowly put them away as the author suggested. Instantly, I realized the difference in energy. The act of separating all of the clothing, folding them neatly and then placing them in the drawers with intention, was forcing me to be completely present. How often do I focus on completing a chore in my home so mindfully? It was a completely new way for me to honor myself.  And let’s be honest, it probably stretched my laundry process an extra five minutes.

This was such a revelation to me – it’s no longer about my shirts and how they are folded, but a reflection of how I treat myself and honor my being. It is so easy to race around trying to get things done efficiently, and completely miss out on the opportunity to organize my energy.

Keeping it tidy!
Keeping it tidy!

As the new year approaches, a friend of mine likes to pick a word as her theme for the next 12 months. This year she selected the word “easy.” She reminds herself of the intention by saying things like “work is easy for me” or ”eating healthfully is so easy to do.” I like this idea, and my laundry experience helped me decide that my word for the year will be “mindful.” I want to be mindful of my body. I want to be mindful of my home. I want to be mindful of my soul. I want to be mindful of my career. And in that moment, standing with a pile of unsorted laundry, I learned that I even want to be mindful of my clothing.

Whether your house is spotless and organized or a little messy, I don’t think the universe cares either way. However, I do recommend reflecting upon your daily choices, and asking yourself how those choices make you feel? For me, the lesson is to slow down. I must pay closer attention to smaller details, and honor the process so that I can be more present. It may take a few more minutes, but I will be rewarded with a greater sense of mindfulness.

Do you have an intention or feeling that you would like to incorporate into your life? During these next few days, ask your Higher Self to present the word in your life. I’d love to know what you choose!

12 Responses

  1. I’m still working on my word for this year, although I’m leaning toward “magic.” Who doesn’t want more of that?

    I could stand to be a little messier, though, personally. I haven’t had a junk drawer since I was about eight years old. Sounds kind of relaxing. 😉

  2. Hi Dougall,
    The word I picked is resilient. The world the universe is picking is joyful. I love them both. Thank you so much for the glass I took with you recently from Healing with the Masters. I so love your energy and authenticity. I will contact you or David soon to hopefully join the continuing of our conversation on facebook.

    Love and Light

  3. I am reading this book right now and like you am finding revelation and insight with each page. I have started using her phrase, “does this bring me joy” often.

    PS: like your friend, I pick a word as my theme for the year. This year it is imagine. I incorporate it daily by asking, what if… I am challenging myself in 2016 to think bolder, dream bigger….to imagine.

  4. My word is grateful. I have many things to be thankful for and this word reminds me to write in my daily journal the things for which I am in gratitude.

  5. Hi Dougall – my word for 2016 is “present”. I want to work on being more “present” in the present moment & that in turn will be a “present” to me & my friends & family. If I worked at it, I wonder how many times I can use that word in one sentence? 🙂 Thank you for your continued words of support & encouragement.
    Big hugs & happy new year!

  6. Hey Dougall,
    Happy 2016! My word for the year is “authentic.” I question my actions by asking, “Is this really what my authentic self wants, or is this just the people pleasing me default?”

    After reading your post, I had to purchase the book just to find out the proper way to fold my clothes!

  7. I asked the question – what is my personal word for my year- and a little over 24 hours later the answer arrived- it is for sure –TRUST

  8. A few words came to me quickly and the one that feels best is Harmony 🙂
    I’ll keep the question open to see if any other words shows up also. I had a vision of beautiful rainbow colors that showed up with the the word Harmony

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