Best Colors For Sleep

There are many holidays that seem a bit unnecessary. (I mean, do we really need “National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day”?)

But when I saw “Festival of Sleep” on the calendar this month…well, that’s the kind of holiday I can get behind!

Sleep is one of the most essential aspects to healthy self-care. Just like eating nourishing foods and drinking lots of water, getting a good night’s sleep will improve every other area of your life.

And yet, it seems to me that so many of us take it for granted.

The new year is a time when many of us make resolutions and new goals. I’ve been using the opportunity to upgrade my sleep as well, and thought you might like to join me!

As an aura intuitive, I’m highly sensitive to the ways that color can affect us in various settings. And because of this, I love experimenting with calming colors for sleep. To help you get the best sleep possible, surround yourself with any of these colors in the bedroom. You can incorporate them through bed sheets, wall paint, artwork, or even your pajamas!

Although you can use any shade that feels relaxing to you, I recommend softer hues in general because of their soothing qualities.

Blue: When I see blue in someone’s aura, I know that they value truth and wisdom above all else. By using this color in the bedroom, you’ll invoke a feeling of stability and safety as you drift off. Sleeping with blue encourages clarity on any issue you may be dealing with in your life. I particularly love soft greyish blues and any lighter blue shades. 

Green: I often see green around creative people, and those who are great communicators. Using this color in the bedroom will give you a sense of openness and freedom as you fall asleep. It helps you access new ideas or solutions to problems you may not have seen before.

White: An all-around energy cleanser, white is a great color to have in the bedroom. Because it’s such a neutral color, it has the effect of being very comforting to our energy. White is perfect if you find your mind racing at night or have trouble releasing the thoughts of the day.

Also, I wanted to share some tips for healthy sleep hygiene. There are many more steps you can take, but these tend to work best for me.

Keep It Cool: Our bodies are most likely to sleep soundly when it’s between 60-68 degrees Fahrenheit. There is scientific evidence behind this, but personally it just feels better to me when I’m in a cool room bundled under comfy blankets.

Make Some Noise: Outside sounds can really disrupt our sleep patterns, so I really like to have some kind of white noise in the background when I’m sleeping. An air purifier is a great option to block out external noise, because it cleans the air at the same time. You can also use a box fan or white noise machine if you prefer that.

Stop The Clock: I’m not the kind of person who can instantly fall asleep, unlike my husband who seems to be snoring as soon as his head hits the pillow. It always takes me a bit of time to relax and quiet my mind. But if it takes me longer than usual, it’s almost as though my alarm clock starts taunting me with how much sleep I’m losing out on. To avoid this, I like turning the clock away so I can’t keep looking at it.

What are your favorite tips to get a restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep. Let me know in the comments so I can give it a try!

Much Love,

19 Responses

  1. I put lemons in every room to clean and refresh the energy . I put one on my nightstand as well . It helps with sleep . I change them out once they dry out. If they get moldy it’s because the energy is off in that particular area, all you need to do is replace it with a new lemon .
    Thanks for all you do !!
    Many blessings,

    1. Thank you for the great ideas! One of the things that has helped throughout my life to sleep better is I try to hang my sheets / bedding outside in the fresh air. We used to have to hang our clothes on the clothes line and it reminds of the outdoor freshness.

      1. Hi Dougall, since summer I’ve been falling asleep to the sounds of rainfall and thunder (8hrs with a background of a castle in Scotland) and this feels magical and comforting to me. I love your suggestion about the air purifier and I’ve been meaning to get one because of the cooking smells from my next door neighbour. Their kitchen is on the other side of my bedroom wall…ughh!? Odd design for an apt., bldg, ehh? So now, I’ll have a 2nd use for it! Ta!

        1. Ehdd Edn j have trouble sleeping I love to put lavender essential oil on my temples, throat, the bottoms of my feet and palms of my hand – it’s very relaxing!

    2. Oh my gosh that is brilliant and answers a long held question…

      I think I can count on less than one hand how many times any citrus fruit has turned moldy on my kitchen counter, they always “petrify” if I don’t get them eaten in time.

      Thank you for this wonderful insight… blessings…

  2. Dougall have you looked into your human design type, a projector type needs more time to unwind and is recommend to go to bed before being really tired. A generator type if has expended sufficient amount of energy during the day can go straight off to sleep.

    I have blue greys and white in my sleep space and I sleep best here, o do have a light pink wool blanket but it’s covered by a blue sleeping bag. I use wax earplugs, and it’s sufficiently cool as it’s an outside space, birds sounds aplenty in the mornings tho!

    1. I like to put release and essential oil on my liver and tummy to help let go of anything that wasn’t settled and it’s smells amazing!

  3. Hi Dougall! Thank you so very much for your most helpful ideas! You probably don’t remember me, but in 2000 in Dallas, I had my first reading with you in the bookstore where you gave readings after I saw you give readings over the phone while on the air on TV there!! I had 2 more readings in Dallas with you and another one even in NYC at your new office around 2007!! You have always been the BEST intuitive with accurate and insightful readings given with wisdom, true love and kindness. I’m still on your email list and am so very happy and proud for your success (I feel like I’m your mom- I just turned 70) LOL!!! Thank you for being the special soul that you are and blessings to you in 2022!! Sincerely, Pam Colucci 😇🙏😇

  4. volunteer at a farm and that work will put you right to sleep. Or Dougall, you can come and visit our five acre farm and we’ll put you to work. Sleep will not be disappointing and neither will farm work.

  5. My bedroom is painted a soft blue and a color I chose for this purpose. I meditate and do my nightly prayers asking my Angels and Guides and God to help my body rest, healing and all that is necessary to relax my body for my highest good. I visualize my pillow being fluffy white clouds as I drift into a deep restful sleep, most important is my allowing. I love your ideas Dougall and know with purpose my sleep will be even better.

  6. Happy New Year Dougall! I love your energy and I enjoy all the training I have taken with you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful energy and wisdom with us all. I love you, Olelo pa’a

  7. Thank you very much for these tips. I have also heard that colors of flesh tones are comforting for bedrooms. What is your intake on this?

  8. As a Feng Shui consultant, the soft neutral colors are recommended. Soft light beiges and grays, but I at the same time, it’s all very individual. Light blue is nice and accents of beige or gray works. What you never want are energy raising colors like red.
    True Story: a friend bought a house and the kitchen walls were painted red. The house was for sale because the couple were splitting up. The master bedroom was directly over the red kitchen. Too much fire energy in the kitchen that also influenced the bedroom above.

  9. As a Feng Shui consultant, the soft neutral colors are recommended. Soft light beiges and grays, but I at the same time, it’s all very individual. Light blue or green are nice and accents of beige or gray works. What you never want are energy raising colors like red.
    True Story: a friend bought a house and the kitchen walls were painted red. The house was for sale because the couple were splitting up. The master bedroom was directly over the red kitchen. Too much fire energy in the kitchen that also influenced the bedroom above.

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