Have you ever tried to describe a dream to someone else?
The movie in our mind seems so vivid and clear while we’re in it. We might be fully immersed in our dream world, testing out our newfound flying ability as we effortlessly bounce from cloud to cloud.
Once we’re awake, we try to share what we’ve experienced with a loved one, but our words often don’t capture this dream world as fully as we’d like.
This is how I frequently feel as a clairvoyant.
During intuitive sessions, I try to explain what I am seeing in my mind’s eye to clients. But just like with a dream, it can be challenging to convey the exact visual with words.
I often refer to the information I receive like a game of Cosmic Charades. When the session begins, the Universe will present me with images, feelings and sensations that relate to my client’s life.
It may not make sense to me, but what’s most important is that it makes sense to them. My job is to connect this magical puzzle of information into something that will have insight and meaning for my client.
Over the years, I’ve noticed that some images and colors repeat themselves when I interact with certain personality types. I think of this as a kind of visual language between the Universe and myself. It’s like a shorthand that helps me understand the kind of situation my client may be experiencing.
Until recently, these images existed within my mind’s eye. And no matter how hard I tried to explain them, they seemed to be more of a personal experience.
This past year I have been honored to co-create a new oracle deck with my dear friend and colleague Radleigh Valentine. It’s been a beautiful, creative process that was also more detail-oriented than I ever imagined.
The best part about it is that I’ve been able to really take my time in fully describing many of the visual images that often pop into my head. Spending this time with Radleigh was such a gift, and I feel a clearer, stronger connection to this visual language with color as a result.
Blending Radleigh’s amazing work with angels along with my passion for color energy has taken various forms. Our partnership grew from in-person workshops to an online course, a certification program and soon the Angels & Auras Oracle deck!
The deck itself does not come out until October. But after many pretty-pleases and consideration from Hay House, we can now happily show you a little preview into our creation!

This image is card #6: Archangel Michael and the color blue.
Michael envelops us in safety, truth, protection, and wisdom. A blue aura, on the other hand, represents a person with a desire for truth, wisdom and honesty. In this card we merge these concepts to show Michael in a casual setting, receiving a world of information from books on a variety of topics. He is bathed in the wisdom of blue light. His protective sword rests on his lap, at ease but ready to go when needed.
This card happens to be one of my favorites from the deck.
For months, Radleigh and I would meet via Zoom to work on the art direction for each card. As Radleigh and I worked together, we both had certain cards that we were particularly excited about. It was a beautiful experience to hold space for each other when one of us would have a strong pull to the direction of certain imagery.
And when we got to blue energy, I was so excited because this color has always held such a strong and repeated clairvoyant vision for me.
For over 25 years, every time I would see the color blue in someone’s aura, the Universe would present a very detailed vision in my mind. As though in a dream, I would begin to see a library filled with blue books. I’d see stacks and stacks of books reaching higher than the mind could comprehend!
I’d close my eyes and look up, seeing the walls, floor and desk all in a beautiful shade of blue.
When I see blue in someone’s aura, I know that they love educating themselves on whatever topic interests them at this moment, and they usually appreciate full honesty from everyone around them. But this vision of the blue library has always resided in my mind. I’d describe it to clients during sessions or when I was teaching, and that’s normally where it would end.
With Radleigh, this was the first time I’ve had the opportunity to bring these images into the physical world. It’s also the first time I’ve worked directly with an artist, who is lovingly translating these clairvoyant visions from Cosmic Charades, into reality.
The beauty of the deck is that it merges the magical power of guardian angels with the loving guidance and energy of aura colors.
We’ve been doing practice readings with these cards, and the insights coming through are insanely accurate.
The cards were not only designed to offer valuable information that can be used daily. In addition, we specifically included angelic color combinations that will heighten their blessings in your life.
It’s exhilarating and I can’t wait to share the full deck with you.
Much Love,

18 Responses
I am so excited for this deck to come out! This card is beautiful and I can’t wait to see the rest!!
I can’t to see the magic of this deck. I loved doing Angels and auras with you guys. Congratulations to you both. 👏
Wow! now I am even more excited than ever for the deck to come out! I
When you and Radleigh talked about making this deck during our time in Los Angeles for the Angels and Auras certification program I was so excited. Your combined teachings during zoom classes and in person time for Angels and Auras helped me realize my intuitive skills. I absolutely LOVE this preview of the Angels and Auras deck and I can’t wait for it to come out in October! This is going to be my go to deck I’m sure! Thanks for bringing this idea to fruition.
I LOVE this card. I am a blue and this card describes me perfectly without saying a word. I can’t wait to see what the other cards look like. Thank you, Dougall and Radleigh for creating these.
Congratulations Dougall and Radleigh! I look forward to purchasing a deck. Blessings to you both.
Looking forward to these cards.
I love that there is a book of 天使 (angels in Japanese) in the stack! Looking forward to see the rest of cards.
This is very exciting! What a beautiful and useful tool. Looking forward to seeing the end product of this cosmic collaboration!!! Xoxo
I love this so much! Congratulations to you and Radleigh!!
Looking forward to this new deck…
I’m so excited and I hope you and Radleigh will have a zoom launch party to celebrate.?? You guys have an amazing energy together..
I can’t wait for this co-created deck! No doubt that it will be incredible thanks to the combination of your and Radleigh’s energy and insight!
This deck sounds magical. Thank you for using your gifts to create it.
I love your message, I want to have that deck as soon as it is available.
I think Radleigh and you make a perfect team to give us all beautiful messages and kinowledge.
Thank you so much!!!!!! Best of luck!!!!
I love your message, I want to have that deck as soon as it is available.
I think Radleigh and you make a perfect team to give us all beautiful messages and kinowledge.
Thank you so much!!!!!! Best of luck!!!!
Woo Hoo! This deck sounds Wondrous! I’m excited for all of us! Thanks for the sneak peek, Dougall!
Is it October yet?!! Super happy, grateful and excited for this deck by yourself and Radleigh, Dougall. I’ll befriend patience until its release, and hope the angels behind the scenes speed things up!