I Never Ask For Help

I bought my first deck of tarot cards at the age of 8, while visiting a small gift shop in the seaside town of Greenport, New York. I wandered around the store with my mom passing postcards, vintage candy, novelty T-shirts and an assortment of knickknacks. I walked up to a wooden display table in the corner, covered by a stars and moon tablecloth. Lovingly placed next to some wild sage, dream catchers, and rose quartz was a small deck of tarot cards. I was transfixed and suddenly felt like I was Bastian in the movie The Neverending Story. I picked the deck up, quickly becoming enamored even though I didn’t yet know what they were.

Buying that first deck sparked a voracious curiosity in me about metaphysics and new age. I started practicing by giving readings to my family and friends as often as I could. There was just something so magical about the image on each tarot, as though they were speaking directly to me. I enjoyed memorizing the cards’ definitions. My parents didn’t understand this obsession, but they were not attached to what I was studying as long as I was focused on learning.

I’m not fully versed in all new age concepts, but I’m confident that at some point in my life I have dabbled in many of the popular modalities. From Kabbalah to Astrology I have usually picked up some tidbit of information along the way.

It was only when Radleigh Valentine and I met, however, that I realized how little I knew about the world of angels.

Over the past few years Rad and I have become good friends. We text almost daily, offering support to each other both professionally and personally. No matter the topic, there is sure to be laughter along the way.

As Radleigh and I got to know each other, I noticed that he would often “send” an angel my way depending on what I was working on or talking about.

For example, here’s a common text exchange that we might have:

Radleigh: Hey can you chat for a minute?
Me: I’m in traffic give me ten minutes before I am home.
Radleigh: Ok, and I’ll send Archangel Metatron for a safe ride home.

When he said that the first time I thought to myself, there’s an angel for traffic?

It didn’t matter what was going on in my life, Radleigh would offer his wisdom as a friend and then always send an angel.

I learned that there is an angel for writing, good health, finances – the list goes on.

I had no prior experience with angels and was fascinated.

We were both guests on each other’s Hay House radio shows, and pretty soon we noticed how many interesting similarities there were with our work.

It seemed like angelic energy and auras perfectly complimented each other. I had long used color energy as a way to invoke positive life changes, but learning that each angel is associated with a specific color was very new to me.

There were so many similarities, that soon we decided to teach an Angels & Auras workshop together in Austin, Texas.

While creating the program together, I was continually surprised by how little I actually knew about angels. It’s obvious to me why Numerology or Astrology aren’t my strengths, as I’m not really a numbers person. Angels appear in so many religions as well as new age approaches, so why hadn’t I explored them more? Something about that really stuck with me.

As we continued planning our Angels & Auras event, I had an epiphany in meditation.

One of the things I love about Radleigh’s teachings is how often he asks his guardian angels for help. And it also made me realize that since I was an adolescent, I never asked for help. There was something so comforting about the ease with which Radleigh would ask for help.

I’ve got my angels on it!
Don’t worry our angels are always guiding us.

I remembered that back when I bought my first deck of Tarot cards, there was quite an energy shift going on in our house. My sister had been diagnosed with cancer that same year and the entire focus of our family unit shifted. Her wellbeing and care was the highest priority – as it should’ve been.

But at this pivotal age, I learned that part of my role was to become more self-sufficient and manage things on my own without asking for help.

My parents did an amazing job of making sure my needs were met, but energetically their attention was obviously focused on my sister. It seemed unnecessary to ask for help when my sister was fighting cancer and facing regular chemotherapy treatments.

As I grew up, helping others and not asking for help myself sort of became my identity. I didn’t realize that this extended to asking for help from my angels as well.

When my husband David and I were on our third date, he asked me where I would like to go to dinner.

“Wherever you want works for me” was my classic response to anything he asked. I was interested in him and wanted to be as easy to be around as possible.

He stopped to face me on that cool evening on the upper west side of New York and I remember what he said so clearly in my mind.

“I know you’re easy going, but at some point you should tell me what you really want.”

He was right.

On some level, I felt that if I asked for help or stated my needs I would get rejected. I didn’t want to be a bother, and it seemed easier to just help myself.

This whole idea of asking loved ones (or an entire team of angelic beings) for support – this was new and it felt really good.

2020 has certainly cemented this concept for me. I’ve been allowing myself to ask for help, both in the third dimension as well as from my angels. I do this as often and with gratitude, whether it’s by using grocery delivery, finding a neighbor on social media to share some yeast for baking, asking my angels to bring health and peace to the world, or anything else. I’ve realized that asking for help doesn’t make me needy – it makes me stronger.
So I’m curious, how often do you ask for help? Is it something that comes naturally or do you prefer to do things on your own?

As sensitive people we are often geared towards giving energy to others, but not as comfortable directing that same energy inward. If this sounds familiar, I highly suggest asking for help and seeing what magic comes your way.

Being open to help from others can come from the physical world as well as our angels. If you’re feeling lonely, try reaching out to friend for a phone call. Or perhaps you’d love a boost of energy and should reach out to your angels for some extra support right now. The first step towards receiving help is learning how to ask for it.

Radleigh and I have joined to teach Angels and Auras online and we’d love to support you through this magical journey! Our goal is to demonstrate the beautiful ways in which angels and color energy come together to bring us peace, guidance, and so much more.

Much Love,

10 Responses

  1. I would love to get a personal reading from you is that possible and if it is how much would it cost?

  2. Hi Dougall,

    Thank you for this blog!
    I have trouble asking for help from this dimension but have been able to ask angels or the spirit dimension for constant/consistent help thankfully.

    Love, Hugs & Peace

  3. Such a timely blog! I have a lot of trouble asking for help spiritually. I have reached a point in my career, that I feel comfortable asking for help when needed, but I haven’t reached that same level with my angels and guides.

  4. I ask the angels for help all the time. I started years ago, but used to forget and then it became easier, although I still forget!!
    I ask the freeway Angels for light traffic. I ask angels to sit on the airplane .. on the front the wings and the back when I fly.
    I am always amazed at how things turn out!!❤️❤️

  5. Hi Dougall-
    I am all signed up and super excited for the Angels and Auras class! I also find it hard to ask for help. It is deeply comforting to know our angels and guides are always available. I talk to them often. Sending you and David so much love-

  6. Hi Dougall

    Hi from Japan
    I’m super excited to join the angels and aura class

    Yoroshiku onegai shimasu
    Thank you so much

  7. My awakenings on this very topic have risen to the surface since my Mom passed last August. I am realizing that for me, asking for help takes a big amount of a certain kind of strength and that the fear (often not realizing it’s fear) is just depriving me of love and support. I am looking forward to studying with you & Radleigh very soon!

  8. I love that you shared this. I follow you and Rad both. It has taken me a long time to ask for help but in the recent years, especially since finding you, I have gotten past that and now do it regularly and don’t feel guilty. I won’t give you my life story, but let’s just say I was never allowed to ask anyone for anything. I’m glad you are in my life!

  9. I am so glad I read your blog on the in ability to ask for help .

    I have been suffering this my whole life and honestly I feel really drained at this moment .

    I so needed to read this . Thank you for sharing . Gives me hope

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