I Talk To Myself

When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time looking into the mirror and talking to myself. If I wanted a boost, I might give myself a pep talk. Or if I was feeling down, I would make silly faces and laugh hysterically. I was my best audience.

In high school (an awkward and difficult time for me) I would coach myself in my own head as I walked the hallway to my locker. As a 6-foot-6 closeted overweight psychic, this hallway felt like a confidence obstacle course. I’d try to quickly get what I needed before the next class, but always ended up as the recipient of immature insults hurled at me.

Even then, I knew that bullies are just reacting to their own pain. But it still hurt. I would grip the rose quartz in my pocket and repeat affirmations in my mind. Sometimes I’d just coach myself:

“Block out the noise, Dougall. You are your own light. You are in your power.”

These days, having conversations with myself is totally second nature. I pace in our living room and think about personal goals or business ideas, communicating with a circle of guidance in my mind. It’s become a form of intuitive connection and a tool for energy assessment.

As an aura intuitive, I also speak directly to my aura as a way of receiving guidance. Your aura, the essence of your life force, will tell you exactly what it needs if you ask. It knows if you’re ready to expand and push yourself more, or if it’s time to rest and replenish.

Last month in my Cosmic Community, our focus was on prosperity consciousness. All month long, we observed our energy around finances, abundance, and the feelings that arose around these topics. During the live Zoom, I guided participants to see if they felt a change in their aura after asking a question. People remarked about feeling an airy, expansive feeling, or were surprised by lingering negative emotions around a topic they thought they were more comfortable with. These physical reactions provide intuitive information that are very useful when seeking guidance.

I find these moments validating because this is exactly how I read, listen to, and talk to the aura. When a client presents a question, I try to get as still as possible and listen to their energy. I will even ask questions in my mind:

Is this what they need right now? Can any adjustments be made to help them move faster?

And every single time, the aura responds with exactly what is needed.

To communicate with your aura, try checking in with it on a daily basis. I encourage you to ask your aura questions:

What do I need most right now? When I think about a specific topic, should I expand and move forward, or rest and reflect? How can I support myself best on this journey?

This is just part of what we do every month in the Cosmic Community, my monthly online program that will help grow your intuition and expand your consciousness. We come together for a live Zoom call at the start of the month, and I’ll share intuitive guidance around a specific a theme. This month, we will look at building creative energy. Not just how we express ourselves creatively in the world, but also how creativity is a universal language with the power to break down barriers in magical ways.

In the Cosmic Community, I create an opportunity for us to explore and raise different parts of our consciousness. I share teachings that foster spiritual contentment, life insight and joy. We have two live Zooms a month that provide the opportunity for live readings/coaching with me, as well as interaction with other community members. I’d love to have you join me!

Whatever you use for your spiritual development, try adding your aura into the mix. Speak to it and pay close attention to words that float through your mind. You may be surprised by the sensations that arise in your body, and any swell of emotions.

These are some of the beautiful ways your aura is trying to guide you. And if all else fails, make a silly face in the mirror and give yourself a little laugh.

Much Love,


2 Responses

  1. Thank you makes totally sence what you have said
    About the bullying being different it all resonates and seeing colour is amazing its new too me only the last few months I see the aura

    1. Thanks so much for your comment Fay, I’m glad to hear that you’ve been seeing the aura! Keep practicing and your ability will continue to get stronger. 💗

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