Is it a sign?

As a professional clairvoyant coach, I am always on the lookout for intuitive signs during my day.

However, I also believe that the universe speaks to us in whispers.

Because of this, we must be open to receiving messages in a variety of ways. Otherwise we might miss out on important guidance!

Please know, it can be challenging to spot an intuitive sign. There are times when we may confuse an intuitive message with a simple coincidence.

The universe doesn’t purposely try to make it difficult for us to receive these messages. We are on a physical plane, while they are reaching out to us from the spiritual dimension.

If you look at it this way, it’s only fair that we would meet them in the middle.

I used to think that if I were really, truly intuitive, receiving guidance would be so simple. I imagined that after waking up in the morning, a beam of opalescent light might shine down upon me. Beautiful, ethereal choral music would play in the background. The beam of light would be followed by a message delivered from my guides in a loud, booming voice.

Basically, I thought that for highly intuitive people the message would be unmistakable.

I cannot speak for anyone else, but this is not how my intuition works for me. When I am giving a reading and receiving messages, I describe the experience as sort of like playing charades with the universe. I will see a series of images in my mind that apply to my own life, which I then interpret as a sign from the universe for what is going on in my client’s life.

In my personal life, I look for signs that repeat throughout the day. For example, I am a color intuitive who believes that color possesses specific qualities. I feel that color is one of the ways the universe can deliver timely messages to us.

I often start the day by thinking about which color is most present in my mind. Let’s say I wake up in the morning and feel drawn to the color green.  In this case, I would probably go in my closet and put on a green shirt to heighten this energy within myself.

Later in the day, if I meet two friends for lunch and they are both unexpectedly wearing green, I will take this as a repeating sign with a message for me.

I see green as the color of creativity and communication, so I might look at whether I am expressing myself fully this week, or if I am holding back creatively in some area. I might take it as a reminder to do something creative, like sitting down to write (one of my favorite forms of creativity).

Receiving a sign from the universe takes practice. The good news is, we can strengthen our intuitive muscle like any other.

Have you received any signs lately, or wondered if it is just a coincidence? Let me know in the comments below!

Much Love

P.S. Want to grow your healing/coaching practice or spiritual business alongside a positive, supportive community? Then check out The Healer’s Circle, we start next week!

5 Responses

  1. Recently I was expecting money earmarked for rent. Everyday I play a word game to see how many words I can make from eight letters.
    I noticed for 3 days the letters clearly spelled “rent” before I even began. I knew the money was on its way to me.
    2 weeks later it arrived.

  2. What do you think about 11:11? I see this so often. I even looked at my odometer once and the mileage was 1111.

  3. I recently did a guided meditation on the Akashic Records/Library, I was curious about my past lives. I found my book, but I couldn’t read it, maybe I’m not ready to understand yet. The book was bound in an old woven cover, it was a lavender color. I really noticed the color. Later that day I was driving my daughter somewhere, and she said, “Mom, is your favorite color lavender? I just noticed the lavender scrunchies and hair ties in the car.” Anyway it happened the same day, and it was unusual because I’ve always told my kids that my favorite color is blue.

  4. Hi Dougall and everyone! I love this topic and so appreciate your sharing your personal experiences. I get guidance thru song lyrics, and little whispers that seem to come in on my right side but sometimes on the left and I think I’m going to start paying more attention to that. About 10 days ago, I got a very clear hit from a late, world-famous celebrity (whom I hear from as a spirit guide, seriously!) who told me to write a new book as a 2nd edition of a book I wrote and published over 20 years ago. It’s a cookbook and he told me 9 chapters of 9 recipes (OK.) – because ’81 was a great year for me (true) and for him. I didn’t know about his 1981 until I looked it up – wow – !! I am already working on that book. Thank you for reading all that oxxo

  5. Hi! Love this topic. Whenever I am paying attention enough to spot a sign, I feel elated! They come in different ways, but recently I saw a whole bunch of ‘4’s’ come right at me. I was driving and there were tons of 4’s on license plates around me, the car clock showed multiple fours, and my phone buzzed with a text that showed 4’s. I looked up the Angel meaning of this number and it said my angels were looking out for me and supporting me. Xoxo

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