My Heart Is Wide Open – I Think?

Recently I stated on Facebook, “You may be blocking miracles. Take a moment to make sure your heart is open.” After posting this, a few people made valid comments that lingered in my mind. The message was, “Dougall, how do I know if my heart is open?”

I kept repeating this over and over again in my mind. How do we know if our hearts are open? In my workshops, I teach people that the image we project to the planet may not always be in alignment with how others experience us. For example you may think that you are a positive, receptive and open person, but your community may perceive you as just the opposite. Without even knowing it, you may appear closed, jaded and unavailable to people.

It is my opinion that when the heart is open, we are fully available to experience life. This means that I am available to connect with my community on a deeper level. I am available to work at my very best. I am available to receive. But the heart I am talking about is a figurative concept. If my home feels stale, I can open a window and allow a breeze to breathe life into the space.  I can’t exactly open my chest for some fresh air, can I?

When I talk about opening your heart, I am speaking about intention and the power of thought. Ideally, we would all take a moment every day to pause and consciously remind our selves to be open to experience. There is no real agenda here other than holding the space of openness. Being open to whatever life has to offer us is a major component of manifesting as well.

When we are open, we make room for the world to connect with our core.  This flow of energy is how we strengthen any relationship.  Being open will help whether you are dating, applying for a job, or seeing an old friend.  We have a choice in these moments.  We can fall back on the safety of being guarded and reserved, which is often perceived as unavailable or cold.  Or we can intend for our hearts to be open and available to connect.  This is perceived as friendly, committed and receptive.

I’d like you to try this exercise in the next week. As you prepare for each day, take one quick minute and place your hand over your heart. Repeat aloud:

“Today my heart is open to experience and receive love.”

Pay attention to how people respond to you on these days.  Take note of and appreciate what miracles come your way.  You may be surprised that they were there all along.

4 Responses

  1. Thanks, Dougall. Funny how that resonated with so many, me included. I was glad to see this blog on it; helps a lot. Also, thanks for the exercise.

  2. Thank you. I was one who asked and I was pleased to see you read and make a real effort to answer us. We appreciate you!

  3. Oh Dougall! I’m catching this blog belatedly via your newsletter. It’s pure gold in the nuggets of wisdom shared and your delightful way in sharing by example.

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