The Myth of Busyness: Finding Harmony in Life

I have a little secret that I’d like to share with you: I’m not as busy as you might think. Now, that might sound peculiar, but I’ve started to realize that this revelation holds a deeper connection to my spiritual journey. 🧘🏼‍♂️

Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy being productive, and there are plenty of exciting things happening in my life.

For instance, I’ve had the pleasure of co-creating an incredible oracle deck with my dear friend Radleigh Valentine. It’s called “Angels and Auras Oracle,” and let me tell you, it’s truly something special. This deck is filled with positive, inspiring, and intuitive messages that will uplift your spirits. We’ve even planned free card reading classes, blogs, and podcasts to share the positive energy of angels and auras with everyone. 💗

On top of that, I’m currently teaching online programs, and I have some exciting trips and in-person events lined up on my calendar.

But here’s the thing: I also have breathing room. I make time to read books, take leisurely walks with my dog, and appreciate the beauty of the flowers in my backyard. I give myself permission to just be.

Lately, I’ve found myself at summer barbecues or having dinner with friends, and the conversation inevitably turns to how busy everyone is and how exhausted they feel. One by one, people start listing their jam-packed schedules, and the conversation revolves around the overwhelming amount of tasks we all have to tackle.

In those moments, I catch myself matching the energy of the group. I chime in, saying, “Oh, I’m so busy too! It’s never-ending.” Sometimes, I even conceal the fact that I’ve intentionally carved out some time off for myself, as if it were a dirty secret.

But guess what? I’m not ashamed anymore. I’ve come to realize that I used to equate being too busy with success. In hindsight, I think it went even deeper than that. I believed that if I were stressed and overwhelmed by my schedule, I must be truly valuable. If my plate was overflowing, I must be doing something right.

Throughout my spiritual journey, finding balance has always been my ultimate goal. And only recently did it dawn on me that I’ve internalized some shame when I’m living a balanced life. Now I ask myself, why is that?

As a spiritual teacher, I know that true success and fulfillment lie in being happy, peaceful, and balanced. So, I’ve made a decision: going forward, I’m going to reframe how my brain perceives success and balance.

I now understand that I can get a full, good night’s sleep and still be productive. I can indulge in a three-day weekend here and there, or even enjoy a lazy Thursday morning, and still find happiness and success. When I’m socializing and someone asks how I’m doing, I can honestly answer, “Actually, things are pretty calm right now, and it feels great.”

You see, life is not just about working and being productive. It’s equally important to carve out time to live, to enjoy the simple pleasures, and to savor the moments that bring us joy. So, join me in embracing balance and creating a life that thrives not only in productivity but also in the beauty of being fully present and content.

What can you do to bring some peace and balance to your schedule? Let me know in the comments!

Much Love,

P.S. Click here to see and pre-order the Angels & Auras Oracle deck!

7 Responses

  1. Whilel I love reading about your new pup (and seeing photos) this is the most important message you have shared! Balance and calm are so important yet our culture (not all cultures!) undervalue these important components of life. So when COVID hit and we all had to slam on the brakes, it almost broke us. Lucky for me, my Dad always valued a work life balance and gool ol’ fun and he taught us by example!

  2. I really like your idea of reframing your brain to perceive success and balance. I work part time and am starting a new business soon & find myself almost ashamed of how much time I have to myself when talking to friends about it. People say I’m lucky, but I think I deserve the life I create and work for. Not in a sassy way, but I’ve put time, effort & thought in how I want my life to be and I’m not apologizing for that. Everyone can have the life they desire. Anyhow, I enjoy your blog. Have an amazing day!

  3. Having a balanced life is still a work in progress for me. I have regular break times in my day and my week. I remind myself at the start of each break that I can only “give from a full cup.” The break times are how I create and sustain that full cup. With that I breathe, relax, and let go. Then when it’s time to work I am rested and ready.

    PS: Your new puppy is adorable!

  4. When I see a weekend day open on the schedule, I immediately block it off and plan a day to the beach. Unfortunately, two so far were awful weather, but I still found time to relax and just sit around since I was off. 👍 I make sure to do no “work related activity” that day.

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