What I Learned When Nobody Came To My Psychic Fair Booth

When I receive a greeting card from a loved one, I never want to throw it away. If the words ring true and move my heart, it feels odd to just toss it in the trash.

And yet, I like to keep a pretty tidy home with as little clutter as possible. For example, I’m not a big fan of magnets on my fridge, which tends to be a popular place to stick a greeting card.

So then, what to do with a sentimental item such as a greeting card?

Over the years, I’ve started an unintentional tradition of placing cards, photos, and other mementos into the middle of books on my bookshelf. There’s no real system to it. I just grab a book, open it up and stick the card into the center before putting it back on the shelf.

I like doing this because years later, I may pull that book off the shelf and be delighted once again. It’s such a fun surprise to have a card or photo fall out of a book, immediately catapulting me back in time.

This weekend, David grabbed a vegetarian cookbook off of my office bookshelf. We’ve been cooking more vegetarian meals lately and he wanted some inspiration.

He opened the book, and the first thing he noticed was a sweet inscription from my Mom on the inside book cover. I was around 19 years old when she gifted this book to me, and it was fun to reminisce about the time period when she purchased it for me. I’d started a (admittedly short-lived) flirtation with being vegetarian, and she wanted to support me. Seeing her handwriting made me swell with emotion, especially because she passed away a few years ago. I ran my fingertips over the words and imagined her sitting down to write them.

As David skimmed through recipes, another folded piece of paper fell out from the center of the book. And as he opened it, I immediately started laughing.

Tucked away in this book for the last 27 or so years was the first sign I printed back when I started as a professional intuitive. I gave them out to promote my work at a psychic fair in Texas.

I was so proud of this sign. My friend Sue Ellen helped me design it, and I remember thinking I’m really going to stand out with some color in my promotional sign.

Most other intuitives at the psychic fair had a black and white sign with their name on it– but I was getting fancy.

I told David about the story of that first fair as the memories came flooding back. I had opted to buy a single table booth for the day at a cost of $250 – which at the time seemed like a huge investment. That was more than half the rent I was paying on my apartment, and it was all going to a half-day event! But it was a business investment and I wanted to give it a try.

I was so proud of my table design. I laid out the stars and moon quilt that my aunt made for me, had a few crystals on one side of the table, and my illustrious colorful sign on the other.

As the doors opened, I began shuffling my deck like a racecar driver revving their engine at the starting line.

Patrons would slowly make a lap through the conference hall, eventually making their selection of the psychic reader they were going to choose.

My sister and her then fiancée came to see me and walked straight up to my table.

“No one is at your booth!” my sister said with a look of supportive disappointment.

“I know.”

Not one single person sat at my booth on that first day. As they walked by, I did my best to ignore their comments but couldn’t help eavesdropping. I heard everything from his cards don’t seem old enough to he seems too young to give advice.

That particular day was hard, and it opened the floodgates of insecurity. Was I too young? Am I really even good enough to try something like this? I packed up my things and headed home.

The next month, I did my best to muster confidence and gave it a second chance at the fair. To change things up, this time I decided to shuffle a round deck (I uploaded an image so you can see). This deck is called the Cosmic Deck Of Initiation. As some of the other intuitives walked by to greet colleagues, several commented to me that they’d never seen that deck before. A few of them sat down for a sample reading with me. I was happy for the practice and to make some new friends.

Most of the other Tarot readers there that day all read similar looking cards. This round, colorful deck that I brought began to separate me from the crowd. As the fair opened to the public, I decided to just spread this colorful deck on the center of my table, leaving them out for people to notice as they walked by.

That day I think I did around twelve 15-minute readings (out of a maximum allotted twenty four slots). Not exactly a full day, but way better than last month.

After about 6 months of doing multiple psychic fairs, I started to develop a following. My appointment slots would fill within minutes of the doors opening. Slowly but surely I was able to hit my stride as an intuitive.

What amazes me about this memory is that I had no idea that I was finding a unique point of view. I was so busy trying to do sessions just like everyone else; I didn’t realize that a unique point of view is what brings clients to the table. Yes, my unusual deck attracted clients, but ultimately it was my unique way of giving readings that was exactly what I needed to lean into.

There is even more synchronicity connected to finding this flyer in my bookshelf. For the past few months I’ve been developing a group-coaching program called The Healer’s Circle. It’s a supportive space for fellow spiritual entrepreneurs. I’ve had this vision of a small group of people supporting, encouraging and learning from each other as we grow together.

I know what it’s like to start a spiritual or new age business and feel lost as far as pricing, being clear in your vision and how to expand.

I know because I’ve been there myself.

And this is exactly why I created The Healer’s Circle.

It’s everything I wish I had when I was getting started. You can learn more about The Healer’s Circle here

I also know that my Mom is gently sending me signs from above. I believe it’s no accident that David selected the cookbook that she gave me all those years ago. And it was also no accident that the first flyer I made as a professional intuitive fell out of that book and into my lap. Just like finding old greeting cards from a loved one, it seems to be the perfect validation that I’m supported on this journey.

If you have any mementos or cards laying around, I recommend hiding them in a book! You never know when they might appear at the perfect moment.

And if you’re a spiritual business owner looking for support and guidance, you’ll want to check out The Healer’s Circle.

Have you ever stumbled on a nostalgic item and unexpectedly got reminded of a happy memory? Let me know in the comments below!

7 Responses

  1. I certainly can identify with your blog. I too save special cards. I have one that my father gave my mother way back when. I also have letters and cards that were wrote by two of my brothers (youngest and oldest) who were both killed in motor vehicle accidents. I have one Christmas Card that my youngest brother gave me a year before he was killed. It was hilarious.
    My daughter also makes her own cards, which are always special. I have never thrown any of them away. I also have cards or little notes from my Granddaughter when she was younger. It is such a pleasant memory to go back to those cards and read them.

  2. Love this post Dougall! Having recently moved into a smaller home, I went through a lot of stuff when packing. What touched me the most was finding my grown children’s artwork from kindergarten through high school. I had saved a lot. But by the time they reached 18, I went through the boxes and picked out what was extra special. Some I laminated.
    While packing up and seeing those special pieces again made my heart swell. I shared them with my son, daughter and their spouses. A few are now hanging on the walls of their kid’s rooms as well as my walls. But my 38 yr. old son’s plaster hand print from pre-school still sits in my home.
    (I’m amazed it’s still in 1 piece!)


  3. I love cards too and only keep the special ones. Know that you can recycle card fronts from holidays, etc. and donate them to the St jude’s Children’s home in AZ. I go through them every year and send a package off to them. They use them to create something lovely. Thanks for sharing your story.

  4. Thank you for sharing.story is I inherited from my mama two of her hobbies the love of taking photos and collecting quotations…we were blessed to have have her for 99 yrs,she passed in 2007. I opened up a photo box and found small cut outs of quotes from magazines ,Reader’s Digest’s 50’s 60’s .It was treasure,A notebook were she writes quotes, passages of books she reads… Dougall this one is for you and me by author Emilie Loring:”Color does to me what the touch of the earth did to the giant Antaeus -sends new life, vitality,courage,initiative surging through me.Sometimes the scientists will discover that color is a renewer of life” …..
    . Love to all💖

  5. You actually did a 15 minute reading for me at one of these Dallas psychic fairs way back when you were 19. I asked how old you were and when you told me, I was so impressed that someone so young could be so intuitive. It was to this day, the best reading I’ve ever had. I’ve followed your career ever since. I’m so happy to see that the young man I saw nervously sitting at that tiny folding table so many years ago, followed his true path and found his dream.

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