Why The Aura Is Like Your Soul’s Mood Ring

I love observing color in people’s auras because it allows me to learn about them. Remember mood rings? The aura is sort of like that, changing along with our outlook, choices and life circumstances. The color that I see is often associated with common traits, meaning I can get a quick snapshot into the energy that is swirling around a person in that moment. Even better, I can prescribe specific colors to people who might need a boost of specific energy.

One of the colors that I’ve been seeing around people and using a lot lately is yellow. This is a color that was not in my book Your Life In Color, but it has been popping up more and more for me. I have been using this with the latest group of participants in one of my current online programs. It seems to be very helpful at this point in time and so I wanted to share about it with you.

When I see yellow in someone’s aura, it is a symbol of unfulfilled goals and accountability. Though many of us are used to criticizing our selves for not reaching our goals, yellow is actually an incredibly supportive color.

Yellow is like a good friend who will show up at your doorstep with your favorite snacks, a big hug and a pep talk.

Yellow is a message from your higher self not give up, even if you don’t believe in yourself or have lost hope.

It is an encouraging reminder, letting us know that the universe still remembers our goals even if we may have put them on the back burner. They don’t care what goals we select, what they want to see is continued action steps.

I am sharing this with you because the glow of new year goal-setting may have worn off by now. Reality is setting in that life is not going to drastically change without consistent effort on our part. And this is where the real work begins.

In my life, yellow has been a reminder to rededicate myself to learning Japanese. I have been studying for the past few years with the intention of becoming fluent. I kept envisioning sitting at a Tokyo cafe with friends, having an easy conversation in Japanese. But  in the last few months I have felt discouraged and even took a break from my Japanese lessons.

Activating yellow energy in my life is a gentle reminder that learning a new language takes time, especially since I have a full time job to manage and soul group relationships to nurture! So, I have decided to recommit to my Japanese classes and signed up for 9 more sessions before I return.

Yellow can be used to re-inspire your efforts. If you are feeling discouraged because your goals are not manifesting as quickly as you’d like, know that you are not alone. Making progress and positive changes takes work and perseverance, but you will be rewarded by your efforts!

To activate yellow energy in your life, you have a few options. You can wear the color or surround yourself with yellow accents like flowers or pillows.

I personally love keeping a bowl of lemons around because it also reminds me of the saying, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And so it is with yellow!

You can also close your eyes and visualize your entire body being submerged in vibrant yellow energy.

Finally, set an intention that you will reinvest effort into any neglected goals whenever you think of or see yellow during your day.

23 Responses

  1. Wow! This is just what I needed today. I was very inclined to yellow colored things lately but I did not know why. I have a lot of exams and courses these months, so your words came perfecto into my mind. Thank you!

  2. Thank you so much for this one, Mr Fraser. It could not have been more timely, in my case. Your encouragement is very deeply appreciated, and the warm energy of the lovely image of lemons is irresistible! Thank you for reaffirming a hopeful outlook! Best wishes always.

  3. Thank you Dougall. I have been told yellow in your aura also means wisdom. Your post gives me an answer to why I was drawn to buy a yellow Citrine crystal candle. This colour isnt normally part of my world. I will now know why when ellow shows up for me. To give me strength.

    1. Hi Mary Lou, yes I often see yellow around people who are highly skilled in two areas or even a double major at University. So it does reflect wisdom. Thanks for commenting

      1. Thank you for the reply. Thanks for the insight. I often see yellow in my aura. This is food for thought.

  4. When we first met, you told me my aura was yellow and explained a little about what it meant. Now, years later, I still feel an affinity to yellow and am trying to use the energy to work to control my ADD and renew my focus on important projects.

  5. I love your description of yellow. It makes me think of self-compassion and how we should be kind and supportive to ourselves, even when we’re not making the progress we’d like.

    1. Thanks Clare! Compassion for ourselves is so important, because often that is the missing ingredient that is needed before we can move forward. Sending you lots of love today.

  6. I love your emails, Dougall, and I love yellow! I needed this sweet boost today, as I’m in that “things aren’t happening” mode and yet, I have amazingly stayed with my 2019 commitments even this far (impressive, for me :))) and, I will get back to my Spanish lessons tonight with your inspiration! Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts!!

    1. Thanks Diana, I’m happy to hear that you’ve been sticking with your 2019, bravo! Keep going with the Spanish lessons, you can do it! No matter how quickly you progress, I find that learning a language is so healthy for the mind.

  7. Synchronicities…. Taught a whole yoga class around sun energy yesterday and bought daffodils. Love your wisdom and your voice. Thanks!

  8. Is it bad for me to say that I think it is ok if you don’t become fluent in Japanese? Maybe I am your dose of “yellow” for the day, showing up on your virtual doorstep with a hug & pep talk to say that learning a new language IS hard especially one like Japanese. And just think of the wonderful connections you make with your translators every time you go there? I literally was just thinking about you & David this weekend, wondering when you might be coming back to Seattle for a visit and voila! – this email appears today. Big hugs to you!!

  9. Wow, how amazing getting this email today.
    I spent most of last night being hard on myself about a college project that really isn’t going to plan and I’ve just been slating it and probably myself in the process.
    Yaaay go me hahaha!!
    But yeah I’ve been thinking of just giving up on it.
    With this yellow I can now refocus and finish what I started, and find a way to love it again.
    It’s also quite handy that I have one Bright yellow wall in my bedroom, yellow lamp shade and yellow segments on my bed sheets with a yellow blanket covering the bottom.
    I suppose you could say it’s a bit of a yellow theme haha.
    So lots of great yellows to utilise and call on.
    Good luck with your Japanese lessons, why not start affirming you are fluent in Japanese using a movement to coincide with it to remove any blocks to achieving your goal.
    Thanks so much for your wisdom
    Much love Ashley xxx

    1. Thanks so much Ashley, that’s a great idea about the positive affirmations! I’m happy to hear that you’re not giving up on the college project. And it sounds like the yellow wall is a perfect reminder to keep going. I love when the universe supports us with color in that way! Sending you lots of love and sunny yellow vibes.

  10. Thanks, Dougall for your column. Thank you to all who posted about yellow’s association with wisdom, encouraging reminder, etc. as well as to all who may post additional information about the color yellow in the future. For me, from childhood, yellow became linked with sunshine, warmth, & encouragement from the universe.
    Then, after marriage, yellow took on yet another significance–that of the reminding me of love from my father-in-law, who was fond of his yellow rain jacket, and who, after one of our visits, dropped us off at the airport wearing it & gave us a big hug good-bye. Henceforth, that bright yellow rain jacket became a reminder of the affectionate hug he gave us. About a year after his death, happening upon a similar yellow rain jacket [closer to my size], i chose to purchase it in remembrance of him, and, in particular as a symbol of his deep love for us on “rainy” days.

    And, so am now guided to offer this post in loving memory of him to serve as a reminder of a father’s and of a father-in-law’s love for those who happen to notice a yellow rain jacket, or daffodil, or yellow in a daisy. May each be reminded of their heavenly Father’s Unconditional Love. And, if “God” is not currently a concept with which the reader resonates, i ask that s/he [everyone] be reminded of an unconditional love from the “Great Central Sun” radiating/shining on all alike.

    And, to those who notice the yellow in bees, please receive fortitude to recommit to, or to discover a similar, yet more achievable goal on our list. (As you know, honey is gathered gradually via efforts of many, sometimes several hundreds of bees). May we experience gratitude for the role of bees in the pollination of our crops & flowers, and, be willing to persevere in united efforts to protect said bees [via 501(3s) such as the Healthy Heart Foundation or providing clean water for bees which are often thirsty, or purchasing local raw gently harvested honey from organically grown produce, & flowers, etc. and, to end dependence on toxic pesticides, herbicides, insecticides & weedkillers.

    Thank you, Dougall, for the opportunity to share these comments. Also, thanks to all for taking the time to read, integrate and take helpful action (perhaps a donation to charities such as, Healthy Heart Foundation), after reading this post.

    Blessings (golden/yellow) & hugs,

  11. Thanks for this post, Dougall! I read it right after working on a drawing for three hours (and loving what I was creating), and half the time I was using brilliant yellows. It’s what the drawing wanted.

  12. Mahalo for sharing the color Yellow with us. I love this color and it always brighten my day. I always have yellow lemons and I use a lemon wedge in my water daily. It is like drinking sunshine and it is a cleansing process of letting go and letting God……

  13. I decided after I read this that it wasn’t going to be the yellow top to wear to court tomorrow, but a yellow color activation. You and your work is such a blessing, Dougall!

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